new morada

este blogue reúne trabalhos de outubro2008 a outubro2012 passará a ser a nova morada do
t h i s i s t h e c i t y i n s i d e
obrigada a todxs xs que por aqui passaram nestes 4 anos

this blog gathers work made from october2008 to october2012 will be the new address of
t h i s i s t h e c i t y i n s i d e
thank you to all those who stopped by during the last 4 years

'pontos negros' ensaio # 1- 'dark spots' exercise # 1

‘pontos negros’ is a short film that explores the impact that coimbra students in their traditional student costume have on the landscape of the city. black spots invading the streets and the visual impact of that massive invasion. its violence and the impotence of bystanders. a narrative on territory. © t h i s i s t h e c i t y i n s i d e 2012 [all rights reserved]
ca•jole•ment [kə-ˈjōl-mənt] -noun. action oh my god did it so many. persuade with flattery. urge&reluctance. uneasy. easy so. deceive. come on. promise to cross heart at right. moment. gone. easy. see defined for kids

# 2

clean•ing [klee-ning] –noun. did not laughed today. knew. accomplished task would be remains of lost grace. all an act. of cleansing. or instance of giving the house a making of an overwhelming or complete defeat. failure to over comb a spree. informal killing of data. scrubbing is the process of detecting corruption. not resolved

# 1

res•o•lu•tion [rez-uh-loo-shuh n] –noun. laughed today. we knew. accomplished the task. now on will disclose my firmness of purpose. distinguishing between two separate but adjacent objects. the progression of a voice part. a dissonance might. resolved

# 19

ex•pec•ta•tion [ek-spek-tey-shuh n] –noun: the act or the stakes of expecting: looking upon an expectant mental attitude: a high pitch of longing. but really right now. a thing. often. a prospect of present.

# 18

hun•ger [huhng-ger] –noun: a compelling sensation or need. a painful sensation or craving: shortage of. so devastating: somebody else’s pain & our ticket to salvation

# 17

sea not enough

rest asured. shore as line

between tempest & basis

of earth & and all the rest

# 16

from the "dictionary slang for dissidents":

ab•sence [ab-suhns] –noun: a presence difficult to grasp

ea•ger [ee-ger]–adjective: i was keen that you were eager and then that was it. yours, ardently.

in•fat•u•a•tion [in-fach-oo-ey-shuhn]- a dificult noun to deal with

pres•ence [prez-uh ns] –noun: the state or fact of not being absent, as with others or in a place. but still a burning shiver. cherish

tip•sy [tip-see] –adjective: definitely not somebody that gives away tips, or , wait! maybe it is. or maybe just every move is a hint. not

pro•jec•tion [pruh-jek-shuh n] –noun: the act of visualizing and regarding an idea or the like as an objective reality but still, something that happens very frequently. reinvigorating

be•have [bih-heyv] –verb: to act in a particular way; not conducting or comporting oneself or itself as one wishes. sometimes

# 14

from da heart parto para um trilho que me deixaste à beira da janela onde a moldura estabelece sombra para a flor que está em frente à arvore que está ao lado da pedra que o menino mandou para o sinal que está ao lado da ovelha que descansa sozinha no pasto de fronte ao lago que nasceu antes dos ontens que vieram povoar os dias da memória das cores que brincavas sozinha olhando com os olhos from the arte de dentro do recipiente que trouxeste no dia em que regressaste à relva onde estava a flor encostada à arvore dormida ao lado da pedra que o menino se esqueceu como por sinal ao redor da ovelha que balia em coro no pasto ao redor do lago que lá estava no sonho que te acordou de cor quando brin .cavas ontem comigo olhando para as molduras que abeiravam a janela que deixaste fechada olhando de dentro para o trilho da arte que começámos

# 12

existem sombras de algo como que em ritmos

fixos nas tábuas


there are shadows of someting like in rhythms

steady on planks

# 11

micro conto # 8

as gavetas que restavam eram de todos os tamanhos possíveis. nenhuma história cabia nelas. de tanto abraçar as gavetas deixou de olhar para a janela. só os puxadores interessavam.

micro novel # 8

the drawers that were left were of all possible sizes. no story fit in. from so much hugging the drawers wasn't able to look at the window anymore. only the knobs mattered.

# 10

aphorism # 2

a moving absence is an absence in e motion

# 9

lugar povoado sem tempo

luas forçando a entrada no jugo

o intersecção soa a sol gasto

nos dias de sossego estéril

pontos de sutura


como os nós perdoados

da mesma voz

no lugar reservado

a língua fere sem anilhas soltas

à maré de uma água fácil


place populated with no time

moon forcing entrance into the yoke

the intersection.point sounds like worn-out sun

in days of sterile quietness

suture stitches


as the forgiven knots

of the same voice

at the reserved place

the tongue damages without loose washers

to the tide of a docile water

# 8

academic poem series

# 2

i shall use latin. this great divide. and set foot(i)


(i) note (that) these references are quite clever

they say the problem is to start. so grasp asap

a currency when well used is more useful that urgency

a scent for talent better than no cent

a meaning less useful than maps

(cartography of the lost: urgency a gain)

my two cents on rescuing the production of discourse on alterity

are used to go and buy half a dozen of well known names

and make a scrambled anthology


# 7

out in the open stretching arms like grabbing the throat of the road where one wanders

# 6

academic poem series

# 1

fear is a fera (i). a fair amount of others crowding

the world spins faster.


(i) fair amount. fair enough: envision a future.

# 3

So much breathing has not the same place when there is that much beginning. So much breathing has not the same place when the end is lessening. So much breathing has the same place and there must not be so much suggestion. There can be there the habit that there is if there is no need of resting. The absence is not alternative.

Gertrude Stein (1913)

# 2

collage - exercice

# 1

poem.a : ' d i s a s t e r ' (p.114-115) "(...)we will make sure you have a pleasant stay."

# 48

colagem - exercício

# 47



# 46

trilho - exercício

gostava de te



gostava de ver-te dentro

dos meus olhos

a ver-te


nos meus olhos




e n t r o

# 45


# 44

pormenor de rocha, v.n.milfontes, agosto 2009

aquecimento global - exercício

rejeita o sal que nos é trazido ao som das síncopes

questiona rótulos que reagrupam as pessoas nas salas

divide o córtex em argumentos prós e contra

clarifica o insondável

derrete o gelo

segura a voz presa nos olhos

agarra as paredes dos edifícios feitos nós

rejeita o sal que nos é buscado

questiona as salas que as pessoas agrupam


se divide o córtex

sonda o que é claro

gela o lume

volta ao mesmo de nós

os trilhos

# 43

(promise you won't tell anybody?), pormenor de edifício zona das escadas monumentais, coimbra, outubro 2009


# 42


# 41

flores para dias de chuva

flowers for rainy days

# 40

tradução #1

i am delighted que estivéssemos

sem estar



a sério

are u serious

i am delighted

que estivéssemos sem círculos

sem estar

sem pretense

pretensões de algo como que

mistura perfect


we are

not there

translation nº 1

estou encantada that we were

without being




‘tás a falar a sério


that we ran in circles

without being

sem pretensões

pretense of something more

perfeita mixture

we are


lá não

# 39

letter to mad men

# 37

aphorism # 1

our bones need to rest. in peace we trust to struggle again. this is our possible. come back

# 36

escadas monumentais, coimbra, outubro 2009

looking above all this might be it

ao alto acima de suspeitas, a moldura

# 35

aphorism # 0

i shall say this only once upon a time we discovered. a voice is the empty space beetween trees

# 34

aphorism # -1

sweet dreams take restlessness to a minimum wage against the machine

# 33

feito conceito, coimbra, outubro 2009

night anemone

# 32

salão brazil, baixa de coimbra, outubro 2009

parapeito; pára o peito, agora

# 30

pormenor de ancoradouro, v.n.milfontes, agosto 2009


# 29

pormenor de quadro (colecção privada), coimbra, junho 2009

if it

# 28

porto côvo, setembro 2009

poesia concreta

# 27

v.n.milfontes, julho 2009

hang in there buddy!

# 26

v.n.milfontes, agosto 2009

fim da linha

# 25

praia da ilha do pessegueiro, agosto 2009


# 24

micro conto # 7

depois de tanto abrir gavetas os meus pulsos tornaram-se puxadores e nunca mais pude deixar aquele sítio. ali vivi até ao meu último segundo. com um abraço à gaveta.

micro novel # 7

after opening so many drawers my wrists became knobs and i was never able to leave that place again. there i lived until my last second. with a hug to the drawer.

# 22

entrada para feito conceito, coimbra, maio 2009

# 21

she told me that in her stories of flesh my name crawled underneath her teeth, her tongue with a name inside her. head. give me. mine. not as real as it is seeming. are we becoming a shelter of fire in disguise. too much. in her stories crawling . to be continued as a perfect fit. as a perfect


# 20

santuário de fátima, julho 2009

which one ?

# 19

santuário de fátima, julho 2009

standing before thou

# 18

gimme shelter for thy pain shall nurture my comfort in the journey to the springs of the sea. where the gates are shown to us. where the death resides in every tree. the flower of wheat. won't know all of this and be everything. the mysteries of the stones that lava draws. my comfort

a gun

# 17

torres do mondego (coimbra), julho 2009

open book

put it in writing

put us in writing

open us

open it

put it there

there you are







# 16

r. corpo de deus (coimbra), junho 2009

little girl

# 15

baixa de coimbra, junho 2009

apenas isto

# 14

baixa de coimbra, junho 2009

dressed up

# 13

Life no argument.
- We have fixed up a world for ourselves in which we can live- assuming bodies, lines, planes, causes and effects, motion and rest, form and content: whithout these articles of faith, nobody now would endure life. But that does not mean that they have been proved. Life is no argument; the conditions of life could include error.

Friedrich Nietzsche (1882)

# 12

praia fluvial (coimbra), março 2009

nas cidades as tempestades alojadas nas crateras da pele

trepam sagazes nas gargantas dos seres doidos de fogo

nas cidades os reflexos das luzes alojados nos poros do sangue

ficam absortos nas bocas dos seres acordados de pavor

havemos de ir com os cântaros mais fundos

buscar o mel que fizeram as mulheres que habitam as galáxias

de nós

buscar o fogo pleno

trazer as águas fartas

de assombro

# 10

zona do terreiro da erva (coimbra), abril 2009

# 09


# 08 R.I.P my sister


Her heart was a construction site. It was filled with stones to be held by bones in houses that would replace the rubble. And then the ocean came and a wave told us that she would still be alive after the water vanished down the shore.

bonita's note to us:

image #1

image #2

# 06

há em nós tanto lume inscrito nos pulsos que nada faz quebrar

o nosso silêncio

# 05

a flor que não te darei

# 04

e no fogo o aço a respirar

# 03

voltar os braços para nascente

# 02


fecha-se o lume para que as águas se revoltem

de sangue

a voz fica voltada para nascente à espera

o som

ao alto

este é o material dos danados

# 01 (2009)

os primeiros segundos

t h i s i s t h e s k y i n s i d e

# 25

pormenor de tecto, feito conceito, coimbra, dezembro 2008

i will leave you this

whatever it is

i will leave you this

a thousand



a thousand



# 24

pormenor de parede, feito conceito, coimbra, dezembro 2008


for trees to dry we attempted many words

we even attempted words without spelling

spelling or saliva enough

this might be



be. yourself above.

if all else fails

a specific hour will never be enough. we know.

without words